Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 2123

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2123. The imminence of this final period is also made clear in the next life by the fact that all good flowing in from the Lord by way of heaven into the world of spirits is in that world instantly converted into what is evil, disgusting, and profane, and all truth instantly converted into falsity. Thus mutual love is converted into hatred, honesty into deceit, and so on. As a result they are no longer capable of receiving anything good and true. The same situation is spilling over on to man, who is governed by means of spirits with whom those in the world of spirits are in communication. This I have been made fully aware of from much experience, which, if I were to relate it all, would fill many pages. I have been allowed very often to perceive and to hear how good and truth coming from heaven have been converted into evil and falsity, and also the extent and nature of this conversion.

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