[10.] I Confirmation of these things from the Council of Trent
That Adam, by the offense of his transgression, experienced an entire change and depravation of nature, both in body and soul; and that
the ill effects of Adam's transgression were not confined to himself, but also extended to his posterity; and that it not only transmitted death and corporal sufferings upon all mankind, but likewise
sin, which is the death of the soul. (Sess. V., June 17, 1546.)
[11.] That this sin of Adam, which originally was a single transgression, and has been transmitted by propagation, and not by imitation,
is so implanted in the proprium of every man, and cannot be taken away by any other means than by the merit of the only Mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who has reconciled us to God by His blood,
being made unto us justice, sanctification, and redemption. (Sess. V. 3, June 17, 1547.)
[12.] Everyone acknowledges and confesses, that by the transgression of Adam, all men became unclean, sons
of wrath, under the power of the devil and of death. (Sess. VI., Jan. 13, 1547.)
[13.] That our heavenly Father, the Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, sent Christ Jesus His son to men,
in the blessed fullness of time, that He might redeem both the Jews who were under the law, and the Gentiles who followed not justice, that they might all lay hold of justice, and all receive the
adoption of sons. Him God offered to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, not only for our sins, but likewise for the sins of the whole world. (Sess. VI., Chap. 2, Jan. 13.)
[14.] That God
and our Lord offered Himself to God the Father on the altar of the cross, interceding by death, that He might work that eternal redemption; that the sacrifice of the mass was that propitiatory for the
living and the dead. (Sess. XXII., 1, 2, Sept. 17, 1562.) Concerning the institution of the mass (p. 146, 148).