Who is like Thee, O Jehovah, among the gods. That this signifies that all truth of good proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord, is evident from the signification of "gods," as being truths (see n.
4402, 7268, 7873), here truths from good, because comparison is made with Jehovah, for it is said "who is like Thee, O Jehovah, among the gods?" (That "Jehovah" in the Word denotes the Lord, see n.
1343, 1736, 2921, 3023, 3035, 5041, 5663, 6280, 6281, 6303, 6905, 6945, 6956.) That the Divine Human is here meant by "Jehovah," is because in this song the subject treated of is the salvation of those
who had been of the spiritual church, by the coming of the Lord into the world, and by His Divine Human then (n. 2661, 2716, 2833, 2834, 6372, 6854, 6914, 7035, 7091, 7828, 7932 1/2, 8018, 8054). That
by these words is signified that all the truth of good proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord, is because truths can proceed from everybody; but the truths of good only from the Lord, consequently
from those who are in good from the Lord. Truths separate from good are indeed thought and spoken by those who are in persuasive faith and nevertheless in a life of evil, and likewise by many others
within the church; but these truths are not of good, thus do not proceed from the Lord, but from themselves. [2] That truths from good proceed from the Lord can be seen from the fact that the Lord
is good itself, because He is love itself; from this proceeds truth, like light from the flame of the sun; and this truth is like the light in the time of spring and summer, which has heat in its bosom,
and causes all things of the earth as it were to receive life; whereas the truth which is not from good is like the light in the time of winter, when all things of the earth die. That "gods" denote
the truths of good, is because by "gods" in a good sense are meant the angels, who are called "gods" because they are substances or forms recipient of truth in which is good from the Lord. [3] Angels,
and consequently the truths of good which are from the Lord, are also meant by "gods" in the following passages:
God standeth in the assembly of God, He shall judge in the midst of the gods,
I said, Ye are gods, and all of you sons of the Most High (Ps. 82:1, 6);
that the truths which proceed from the Lord are what are here meant by "gods," is evident from the fact that it is first said
"the assembly of God," in the singular number; and afterward, "in the midst of the gods." (That "God" is mentioned in the Word where truth is treated of, see n. 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4287, 4402, 7010;
and that "God" in the supreme sense denotes the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, n. 7268.) In the same:
I will confess to Thee in my whole heart, before the gods will I sing psalms to
Thee (Ps. 138:1). There is none like Thee among the gods, O Lord (Ps. 86:8). Jehovah is a great God, and a great King above all gods (Ps. 95:3). Thou, Jehovah, art high above all the earth;
Thou art exalted exceedingly above all gods (Ps. 97:9). I know that Jehovah is great, and that our Lord is above all gods (Ps. 135:5). Therefore also Jehovah is called "Lord of lords and God
of gods" (Deut. 10:17; Josh. 22:22; Ps. 136:2, 3). [4] That it is so often said that "Jehovah is above all gods," and that He is "God of gods," is because at that time many gods were worshiped, and
the nations were distinguished by the gods whom they worshiped, and each nation believed that its own god was the supreme of all, and because from this the idea of a plurality of gods was seated in all
minds, and it was disputed which of them was the greater, as can be sufficiently evident from the historicals of the Word in many passages; and this opinion was seated in the minds of the Jews above
others, for which reason it is so often said in the Word that "Jehovah is greater than all gods," and that "He is King," and "God of gods." That this opinion concerning many gods was seated in the minds
of the Jews above other nations, can be sufficiently evident from their frequent apostasy to the worship of other gods, of which frequently in the historic books of the Word (see Judges 2:10-13, 17,
19; 3:5-7, 8:27, 33; 10:6, 10, 13; 18:14, 17, 18, 20, 24, 31; 1 Sam. 7:3, 4; 8:8; 1 Kings 14:23, 24; 16:31-33; 18:20; 21:26; 22:53; 2 Kings 16:1, 10; 17:7, 15-17; 21:3-7, 21; 23:4, 5, 7, 8, 10-13;
and elsewhere). [5] That nation was so demented that they confessed Jehovah solely with the mouth; but nevertheless at heart they acknowledged other gods, as can be clearly seen from the fact that after
they had seen so many miracles in Egypt, and so many also afterward: the sea divided before them, and the army of Pharaoh immersed therein; the pillar of cloud and of fire continually appearing; the
manna raining down daily from heaven; and the very presence of Jehovah with majesty and with terror so great upon Mount Sinai; and after they had uttered a confession that Jehovah alone is God, nevertheless
after some weeks, merely because Moses delayed, they demanded for themselves molten gods to worship, and when these gods were made by Aaron, paid them divine worship by a feast, by burnt-offerings
and sacrifices, and by dances. From this it can be seen that the worship of many gods clung to their hearts. That this nation was of such a character above every other nation in the whole earth,
is also evident in Jeremiah:
Hath a nation changed gods? and My people hath changed its glory for that which doth not profit. Be ye amazed, O heavens, at this, and shudder ye, be ye in exceeding
trepidation: according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah (2:11, 12, 28). Moreover the native quality of that nation is such that above all other nations they adore external things,
thus idols, and are unwilling to know anything whatever about internal things. For they are the most avaricious of all nations; and avarice such as theirs, which loves gold and silver for the sake of
gold and silver, and not for the sake of any use, is an affection in the highest degree earthly, which drags down the mind wholly to the body, and immerses it therein, and so completely closes the interiors
that it is utterly impossible for anything of faith and love from heaven to enter. From this it is evident how greatly those err who believe that that nation will be again chosen, or that the
church of the Lord will again pass to them, all others being rejected; when yet it would be more easy to convert stones, rather than them, to faith in the Lord. It is believed that the church will again
pass to them, because in the prophetics of the Word it is said in many passages that they are to return. But it is not known that in these passages, by "Judah," by "Jacob," and by "Israel," is not
meant that nation, but those with whom is the church.