And it shall be when Jehovah shall have brought thee unto the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. That this signifies the region of heaven occupied
by those who are in evil and falsity, is evident from the signification of "the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite," as being heaven, here the
region of heaven occupied by those who are in evil and falsity. (That "the land of Canaan" denotes the Lord's kingdom in heaven and earth, or the church, see n. 1413, 1437, 1585, 1607, 1866, 3038, 3481,
3686, 3705, 4116, 4240, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517, 5136, 5757, 6516.) Evils and falsities are signified by the nations here named-evil from the falsity of evil by "the Canaanite" (n. 4818); falsity
from which is evil by "the Hittite" (n. 2913); evil and the derivative falsity by "the Amorite" (n. 1857, 6306); idolatry in which is something of good by "the Hivite" (n. 6860); and idolatry in which
there is something of truth by "the Jebusite" (n. 6860). (That before the coming of the Lord the region of heaven into which they who were of the spiritual church would come, was occupied by evils and
falsities, see n. 6858.) [2] As to what further concerns this subject, be it known that before the Lord's coming heaven was not distinguished into three heavens, namely into the inmost or third, the
middle or second, and the ultimate or first, as it was after the Lord's coming; but was one. The spiritual heaven was not yet formed. The region where the spiritual heaven was to be, was occupied by
those who were in falsity and evil, but who could be kept in some truth and good by external means, especially by means of ideas of eminence and dignity, just as is the case in the world, where they
who are in evil and falsity are nevertheless obliged to as it were think and speak truths, and as it were will and do goods, by external means, which are honors and gains. The reason why this region
of heaven was then occupied by such spirits, was that good ones were lacking, and they who were of the spiritual church had not as yet been prepared, and yet every place had to be filled by spirits, in
order that there might be continuity from the Lord down to man, for without continuity man would have perished. At this day also there are some regions of heaven occupied by such; but they who are there
are withheld by a strong force from the doing of evils. Immediately above the head are they who deceive and seduce by means of innocence; but above them are the celestial from the Most Ancient Church,
who keep them in bonds with such force that they cannot possibly occasion what is evil to anyone. Behind the back part of the head there is also at this day a region which had been a region of heaven,
that is occupied by the evil; and another in front toward the left. [3] There is also a continual endeavor on the part of the evil to invade the places where the good are, and they actually do
invade them as soon as they are not filled by the good, which endeavor it has often been granted me to notice. These regions are thus occupied when the evil are increased and the good diminished in
the world; for in this case evil spirits come near to man, and good spirits recede from him; and insofar as these recede, so far the regions nearest to man are occupied by the evil. When this condition
becomes general, the inhabitants of these regions are completely changed. Much is the case when the church is near its end, for then evil and falsity prevail. But about the end of the church the evil
are cast down, and the regions they had occupied are given to the good, who in the meantime have been prepared for heaven. This is meant by these words in John:
There was war in heaven; Michael
and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels; but they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven (Rev. 12:7, 8). This state of heaven was represented
by the land of Canaan, in that the nations occupied it; and by the sons of Israel, in that they cast those nations out from it; for by the "land of Canaan" is signified the Lord's kingdom, thus
heaven and the church, as can be seen from the passages cited above.