Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 7097

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7097. I know not Jehovah. That this signifies that they do not care for the Lord, is evident from the signification of "not knowing," as being not to care, for he who does not care, says that he does not know. (That by "Jehovah" is meant the Lord, see n. 7091.) As to Pharaoh's saying that "he did not know Jehovah," the case is this. The Egyptians from ancient time knew Jehovah, because in Egypt also there had been the Ancient Church, as can be plainly seen from the fact that they had among them the representatives and significatives of that church. The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians are nothing else; for by these were signified spiritual things, and they also knew that they actually corresponded; and as they began to employ such things in their sacred worship, and to worship them, and at last also to turn them into magic, and in this way to be associated with the devilish crew in hell, they therefore utterly destroyed the Ancient Church among them. Hence it is that by the "Egyptians" in the Word are signified the memory-knowledges of the church perverted, and also falsities contrary to the truths of the church. [2] When Divine worship had been thus perverted in Egypt, then also they were no longer allowed to worship Jehovah, and finally not even to know that Jehovah was the God of the Ancient Church, and this in order that they might not profane the name of Jehovah. That the name of Jehovah was known at that time also, and this before it was again told to the posterity of Abraham through Moses in Mount Horeb, is very plain from the fact that Balaam, who was of Syria, not only knew Jehovah, but also adored Him, and likewise sacrificed to Him (Num. 22, 23, 24). From all this it can be known why Pharaoh said "Who is Jehovah, whose voice I should hear to let the people go? I know not Jehovah." [3] But as by Pharaoh are represented those in the hells who are in falsities, and who infest those of the spiritual church, therefore it must be told how the case is with these. They who are in the hells, and infest those who are of the spiritual church, are for the most part from such as have said that faith alone saves, and yet have lived a life contrary to faith; and as after the death of the body the life remains, thus the evil which they have thought, plotted, and done, therefore they either apply those things which they have said to be of faith to defend the evils of their life, or they altogether reject them. But lest they should abuse the truths of faith, they are deprived of them, and when they are deprived of them, they seize upon falsities, which are quite contrary to the truths of faith, and afterward by means of falsities infest those who are in truths. This is then the delight of their life. Moreover, some of them, in order to acquire power, learn magical arts. This is done by those who by various arts which they devised in the world have deceived the neighbor, and in consequence of their success have afterward attributed all things to their own prudence. [4] They who have become such, acknowledge the Father the Creator of the universe, but not the Lord. Of the Lord they say as Pharaoh here says of Jehovah, "Who is Jehovah? I know not Jehovah." Nay, as the universal sphere of heaven is full of the acknowledgment and love of the Lord, so is the universal sphere of the hells full of the denial of the Lord and of hatred against Him; neither can they endure that He should be named. The infernals are such that they do not desist on account of exhortations and threats, so great is the delight of their life in infesting the upright, and turning them from the acknowledgment of the Lord, and from faith in Him. This very delight of their life is increased by exhortations to desist, for this leads them to believe that it will shortly be all over with those whom they are infesting. These then are they who are specifically meant by "Pharaoh and the Egyptians."

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