After consultation, the FIRST COMPANY, which was from the north, said: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are one with the very life of heaven. Therefore every one who enters heaven, enters, as to life,
into its festivities, just as one who goes to a wedding enters into its festivities. Is not heaven above us, before our eyes, and thus in a place? And there and nowhere else is happiness upon happiness
and pleasure upon pleasure. When man enters heaven, then, from the fullness of the joys of that place, he is admitted into these as to every perception of his mind and every sensation of his body.
Heavenly happiness, therefore, which is also eternal happiness, is nothing else than admission into heaven, and admission by Divine grace." [2] After this speech, the SECOND COMPANY from the
north, from their wisdom expressed the following opinion: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are nothing else than cheerful companionship with angels, and sweet conversation with them, whereby, from
pleasant and witty discourse, the countenance is kept continually expanded with gladness, and the faces of the whole company are wreathed in happy smiles. What are heavenly joys but the variations of
such things to eternity?" [3] The THIRD COMPANY, which was the first of the wise from the western quarter, speaking from the thoughts of their affections declared: "What else is heavenly joy and
eternal happiness but feastings with Abram, Isaac, and Jacob, upon whose tables will be rich and delicate foods, with generous and noble wines; and after the feasts, sports and the dances of maidens
and young men, tripping to the measures of tabors and flutes, with the sweet singing of odes interspersed; and then, at evening, dramatic representations, and after these, again feastings, and so on
every day to eternity." [4] After this utterance, the FOURTH COMPANY, which was the second from the western quarter, announced their opinion, saying: "We have entertained many ideas respecting
heavenly joy and eternal happiness, and after exploring various joys and comparing them with each other, have come to the conclusion that heavenly joys are paradisal joys. What else is heaven but a paradise,
stretching from east to west and from south to north-- a paradise wherein are fruit trees and delightful flowers, and in the center the magnificent Tree of Life, around which the blessed will
sit, eating fruits of delicate flavor, and adorned with wreaths of the most fragrant flowers. And since, by reason of the breathing of perpetual spring, these fruits and flowers are born and reborn daily
and with infinite variety; and since, by their perpetual birth and blossom, and by the constant vernal temperature, the mind is continually renewed; the blessed must needs attract and breathe out
new joys from day to day, and thus be restored to the flower of their age, and thereby to the primitive state into which Adam and his wife were created, and so be led back into their paradise which has
been transferred from earth to heaven." [5] The FIFTH COMPANY, which was the first of the men of genius from the southern quarter, said: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are nothing else than
supereminent dominion, with boundless wealth, and from this, super-regal magnificence and super-illustrious splendor. That these are the joys of heaven and the continual enjoyment thereof which is
eternal happiness, this we have perceived clearly from the case of those who enjoyed them in the former world, and also from the statement that the happy in heaven will reign with the Lord, and, being
the sons of Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords, will be kings and princes and will sit upon thrones, with angels ministering to them. We have perceived clearly the magnificence of heaven from
the statement that the New Jerusalem, by which is portrayed the glory of heaven, will have gates, each of which will be a single pearl, streets of pure gold, and a wall with foundations of precious stones.
Therefore, every one who is received into heaven has his own palace, resplendent with gold and precious things, and a dominion which will pass in turn from one to another. And, knowing that in
such things joys are innate and happiness implanted, and that they are God's promises which cannot be broken, we are unable to deduce the happy state of heavenly life from any other source." [6]
After this, the SIXTH COMPANY, which was the second from the southern quarter, lifted up its voice and said: "The joy of heaven and its eternal happiness are nothing else than the perpetual glorification
of God, a solemn festival continuing to eternity, and most blessed worship, with songs and jubilees; and thus a constant uplifting of the heart to God, with full trust in the acceptance of their
prayers and praises because of the Divine munificence, and in their own blessedness." Some of the company added that it would be a glorification attended with magnificent illuminations and the most fragrant
incense--a glorification with stately processions headed by a pontiff with a great trumpet, who would be followed by primates and key-bearers great and small, and after these, men with palms and
women with golden images in their hands.