Again I asseverate in truth that these things were done and said as they are related, the former in the world of spirits which is midway between heaven and hell, and the latter in the society of heaven
from which came the angel-guide of the trumpet.* who in the Christian world would have known anything about heaven, and about the joys and happiness there, knowledge of which is also knowledge concerning
salvation, had it not pleased the Lord to open for some one the sight of his spirit, and show him these things and teach him? That such things exist in the spiritual world is clearly evident from
the things seen and heard by the Apostle John which are described in the Apocalypse; as, that he saw in heaven the Son of Man in the midst of the seven candlesticks; a tabernacle; a temple; an ark;
an altar; a book sealed with seven seals; the book opened and horses going forth out of it; four animals about the throne; twelve thousand chosen out of every tribe; locusts coming up out of the abyss;
the dragon and his combat with Michael; a woman bringing forth a man child and fleeing into the wilderness because of the dragon; two beasts rising up, one out of the sea and the other out of the earth;
a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast; the dragon cast into a pool of fire and brimstone; a white horse, and a great supper; a new heaven and a new earth, and the Holy Jerusalem coming down, described
as to its gates, its wall, and its foundations; also a river of the water of life, and trees of life yielding their fruit every month; besides many more things, all seen by John, and seen while
as to his spirit he was in the spiritual world and in heaven. Moreover, it is plainly evident from what was seen by the Apostles after the Lord's resurrection; and afterwards by Peter (Acts of the Apostles
11); also from what was seen and heard by Paul; and furthermore, what was seen by the prophets, as by Ezekiel, in that he saw four living creatures which were cherubim (1, 10); a new temple and
a new earth and an angel measuring them (40-48); that he was carried away to Jerusalem and there saw abominations; and also to Chaldea, into captivity (8, 11). The like was the case with Zechariah, in
that he saw a man riding among myrtle trees (1:8-seq.); four horns, and then a man with a measuring line in his hand (1:18-21; 2:1-seq.); a candlestick and two olive trees (4:2-seq.); a flying roll and
an ephah (5:1-6); and four chariots, and horses coming out from between two mountains (6:1-seq.); and likewise with Daniel, in that he saw four beasts coming up out of the sea (7:3-seq.), and combats
between a ram and a he goat (8:2-seq.); that he saw the angel Gabriel and spoke much with him (9:20-seq.); and also with Elisha's servant, in that he saw chariots and horses of fire round about Elisha,
and saw them when his eyes were opened (II Kings 6:17). From these and many other passages in the Word, it is evident that things which exist in the spiritual world appeared to many both before and
after the Lord's Advent. What wonder that they should appear now also, when the Church is commencing, that is, when the New Jerusalem is coming down from the Lord out of heaven! * In the original,
this paragraph from this point on is enclosed in inverted commas.