It has been shown in the chapter on reformation and regeneration that these three, the Lord, charity and faith, acting as one, are the means to a person's regeneration, and unless this takes place, he
cannot come into heaven. The Lord therefore can only open heaven to those who have been regenerated, and after death in the natural world it is impossible for others to be introduced to this process.
By the regenerated, who worthily approach, we mean those who inwardly possess those three essentials of the church and of heaven, but not those who possess them only outwardly. For these do not confess
the Lord with the soul, but only with the tongue, and do not exercise charity towards the neighbour with the heart, but only with the body. Such are all those called the workers of iniquity in these
words of the Lord:
Then you will begin to say, Lord, we ate and drank in your presence. But I shall say to you, I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you who do iniquity. Luke 13:26, 27.