Earths in the Universe (Chadwick) n. 86

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86. The planet Mars is thought of by spirits and angels as occupying a fixed position, as the other planets do; this lies in front to the left, some distance away at chest level, that is to say, outside the sphere where the spirits of our world are. The spirits of one world are separated from those of another, because the spirits of each world answer to some particular province in the Grand Man.# As a result their states are not the same but diverse, and this diversity of state makes them appear separated from one another, either to the right or to the left, and at a greater or lesser distance.## # Heaven has a correspondence to the Lord, and a human being has in every detail a correspondence to heaven, so that in the Lord's eyes heaven is a man on the grand scale, and may be called the Grand Man (AC 2996, 2998, 3624-49 [original adds 3636-43], 3741-5, 4625). The whole subject of the correspondence of man and all his parts to the Grand Man who is heaven has been described from experience (AC 3021, 3624-49, 3741-50 [3741 in original], 3883-96, 4039-55 [4051 in original], 4218-28, 4318-31, 4403-21, 4523 [4527 in original]-33, 4622-33, 4652-60, 4791-4805, 4931-53, 5050-61, 5171-89, 5377-96, 5552-73, 5711-27,10030). ## Distances in the next life appear real, and are rendered visible according to the inner states of angels and spirits (AC 5605 [5604 in original], 9104, 9440, 10146).

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