Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 152

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152. We fully demonstrated in Part One, specifically in nos. 52-54, that everything in the universe was created by Divine love and wisdom. We will now show here that it was done by means of the sun which is the first emanation of Divine love and wisdom. No one who is capable of seeing effects from causes, and of seeing from causes then effects in their order and sequence, can deny that the sun is the first work of creation; for all things that exist in its planetary system are sustained by it, and because they are sustained by it, they also arose from it. The one fact points to and attests to the other. For all things are under the sun's gaze, because it established them to be so, and to keep them under its gaze is to establish them continually. That is why we also say that continued existence is a continual coming into existence. Moreover, if anything were to be totally removed from the sun's flowing in through the atmospheres, it would instantly disintegrate. For there are purer and purer atmospheres, which are actuated in their operation by the sun, and these hold all things together in connection. Now because the continued existence of the universe and everything in it is due to the sun, it is apparent that the sun is the first work of creation, from which springs all else. We say it is due to the sun, but we mean to the Lord by means of the sun, for the sun, too, was created by the Lord.

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