[verse 22] 'And I saw no temple therein, for the Lord God Almighty is the temple thereof, and the Lamb' signifies that in this Church there will not be any external separated from what is internal, because
the Lord Himself in His Divine Human, from Whom is everything of the Church, is the Only One being approached, worshipped and adored. By 'I saw no temple therein' is not understood that in the
New Church, which is the New Jerusalem, there will be no temple, but that in it there will not be what is external separated from what is internal. This is because by 'a temple' is signified the Church
as to worship, and in the uppermost (supernus) sense the Lord Himself as to the Divine Human, Who is to be worshipped, as may be seen above (n. 191, 529, 585); and because everything of the Church is
from the Lord it is therefore said 'for the Lord God Almighty is the temple thereof and the Lamb', by which is signified the Lord in His Divine Human. By 'the Lord God Almighty' is understood the Lord
from what is eternal, Who is Jehovah Himself, and by 'the Lamb' is signified His Divine Human, as frequently above.