And they see his shame. That this signifies, nor thence in filthy loves, is evident from the signification of shame, as denoting filthy loves. For by shame (pudor) is meant that part of the body which
is covered by the breeches, and is the region of the genitals, which are called pudenda, from scandals and adulteries. The nakedness of these is meant by walking naked. And because the genitals of both
sexes correspond to the loves of heaven in general, and correspond when they are clothed, therefore they correspond to the loves of hell when they are not clothed, or naked. For garments signify truths
clothing, and the flesh of that region of the body signifies the good of love; and good without truth is not good, neither is truth without good truth (concerning which see just above, n. 1008);
and where the good of love is not there is evil, or filthy love. Because the nakedness of that part of the body signifies filthy love, or the lasciviousness of adultery, therefore Aaron had breeches
made of linen, which were upon his flesh when he ministered (Exod. xxviii. 42, 43; xxxix. 28). Breeches of linen signify truths covering.
Continuation concerning the Sixth Precept:-
[2] He who
abstains from adulteries from any other motive than that they are sins, and against God, is still an adulterer. As, if any one abstains from them from fear of the civil law and its punishment; from
fear of the loss of fame, and thence of honour; from fear of diseases from them; from fear of upbraidings at home from his wife, and thence of intranquillity of life; from fear of chastisement from the
servants of the injured husband; from poverty or from avarice; from infirmity arising either from abuse or from age, or from impotence, or from disease; indeed, if he abstains from them on account
of any natural or moral law, and does not also abstain on account of the Divine law, he is nevertheless interiorly unchaste and an adulterer. For he, nevertheless, believes that they are not sins, and,
consequently, he says interiorly that they are lawful, and so he commits them in spirit, although not in the body; therefore after death, when he becomes a spirit, he speaks openly in favour of them,
and commits them without shame. It has been granted me in the spiritual world to see maidens who accounted whoredoms as wicked, because contrary to the Divine law; and also maidens who did not account
them wicked, but nevertheless abstained from them because of the ill- fame attending them, which would turn away their suitors. I saw the latter encompassed with a dusky cloud in their descent to
the abodes below; but I saw the former encompassed with a shining light in their ascent to the abodes above.