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The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section II - The General World Picture
2. To set up a closer relation with the third, major divine center on our planet, Shamballa. From that center, the will of God goes forth and the power of God becomes the messenger of His will. Hitherto that highest form of spiritual energy has only reached humanity (as I have before told you) via the Hierarchy. Today, it is deemed desirable that it should be ascertained whether there are enough selfless and group-conscious people upon the planet to warrant a direct inflow of that higher energy to humanity, thus producing upon the physical plane a hastening of the divine plan and a more rapid working out of that which is to be. This direct contact can be produced if the Great Invocation [152] is used by the world aspirants and disciples in collaboration with the Hierarchy. Hence the emphasis I have laid upon all of you using this Great Invocation as souls and as those who are in touch in some small measure with the Hierarchy. When the note of humanity and the note of the Hierarchy are synchronized by the use of the Great Invocation, there will come a dynamic and immediate response from Shamballa, and that will rapidly take place which the Hierarchy and the world disciples desire to see.

The primary result of the correct use of the Great Invocation (as far as humanity is concerned) is acceleration. As I have also earlier pointed out, such an acceleration carries with it its own risks, and consequently we have the appearance of the truly terrific problems and the dire happenings which have for many years overtaken the aspirants and the disciples in the world. They are by this process learning the work of world salvage and becoming gradually fitted for the post of world savior and to be absorbers of evil karma. You might here quite correctly point out that all the world is now suffering and that the past twenty-five years have been those of a general and most unhappy world karma. Wherein then lies the distinction between the pain and suffering of the world in general and that of aspirants and disciples in particular? I would reply that aspirants and disciples are conscious of this karma and its results in all three vehicles simultaneously - in the mind as well as in the emotional body with resultant physical reactions. This produces an intensification, retrospection and anticipation which the larger group does not register, involving as it does the entire personality. To this, in the case of the disciple in particular, must be added sensitivity and the ability to tune in and to absorb world pain, world reactions, and world conditions, thereby greatly increasing that which they may have individually to bear. The capacity to shoulder and register group pain as well as to bear his own personal karma greatly aggravates the disciple's task.

When therefore, I call the world aspirants and disciples to the use of the Great Invocation, I call them also to the [153] "fellowship of Christ's sufferings"; this is ever preliminary to the resurrection or to the release of the human consciousness into higher realms of spiritual awareness. The Forces which are contacted by the use of this Great Invocation, in conjunction with trained hierarchical effort, are thereby attracted or magnetically impelled to respond and then potent energies can be sent direct to the waiting planetary center, Humanity. Two effects of an immediate nature are consequently induced over a specific period of time:

  1. The energy of the Will of God serves to awaken the illumined but latent will-to-good in men and this, once dynamically awakened, will flower forth as goodwill. There is so much of this which remains latent and unexpressed because the will to demonstrate goodwill activity has not been aroused; it will be automatically aroused in the general public once the world disciples have invoked and evoked the inflow of this higher dynamic energy. Humanity awaits this and its arrival is dependent upon the efforts of those who know what should be done and who should now make their spiritual theories facts in outer expression. Nothing can arrest the eventual progress of this will-to-good and its planned activity any more than a bud which has started to unfold its petals in the light of the sun and subject to the proper stimulation can revert again to the condition of a tightly closed bud, potential but unexpressed. The expression of what has been potential will be the result of the impact of first ray force, of the will-to-good at this time, induced by the efforts of the world disciples.
  2. The second effect will be the forming or constitution of a planetary triangle or recognizable triad which will be the correspondence between the three planetary centers to the spiritual triad of Monad, Soul and Personality (the atma-buddhi-manas of the theosophical literature). Hitherto the word alignment has best described the planetary situation; there has been a straight line along which energy has poured from Shamballa to the [154] Hierarchy and from the Hierarchy to Humanity, but this has meant no direct interplay between Humanity and Shamballa. If the Great Invocation can be rendered effective, humanity can then set up a direct relationship with Shamballa. The resultant triangle of force-relationship will promote the circulation of spiritual energies between the three centers from point to point so that there will be a triple relation. A planetary process of give and take between all three will then be established, and the emphasis upon giving will be far more pronounced.
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