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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle - The Field of Telepathic Interplay
This form of telepathic communication is therefore of two kinds, with the solar plexus always involved:
  1. It will be from solar plexus to solar plexus between two people who are ordinary, emotional, governed by desire, and primarily centered in the astral and animal bodies.
  2. It will be between such a "solar plexus" person, if I may so call him, and a higher type whose solar plexus center is functioning actively but whose throat center is also alive. This type of person registers in two places - provided that the thought sensed and sent out by the solar plexus person has in it something of mental substance or energy. Pure feeling and entirely emotional emanations between people necessitate only solar plexus contact.

Later, when group work in telepathy is undertaken, the centers of transmission wherein high and consecrated feeling, devotion, aspiration and love are concerned and where the groups work with pure love, communication will be from heart to heart, and from a group heart to another group heart. The phrase "heart to heart talk," so often used, is usually a misnomer at this time, but will some day be true. At present it is usually a solar plexus conversation!

The second form of telepathic work is that of mind to mind, and it is with this form of communication that the highest investigation is at this time concerned. Only mental types are involved, and the more that emotion and feeling [10] and strong desire can be eliminated, the more accurate will be the work accomplished. The strong desire to achieve success in telepathic work, and the fear of failure, are the surest ways to offset fruitful effort. In all such work as this, an attitude of non-attachment - and a spirit of "don't care" are of real assistance. Experimenters along this line need to give more time and thought to the recognition of types of force. They need to realize that emotion, and desire for anything, on the part of the receiving agent create streams of emanating energy which rebuff or repulse that which seeks to make contact, such as the directed thought of someone seeking rapport. When these streams are adequately strong, they act like a boomerang and return to the emanating center, being attracted back there by the power of the vibration which sent them forth. In this thought lies hid the cause of:

  1. The failure on the part of the broadcasting or transmitting agent. Intense desire to make a satisfactory impression will attract the outgoing thought back again to the transmitter.
  2. The failure on the part of the receiving agent whose own intense desire to be successful sends out such a stream of outgoing energy that the stream of incoming energy is met, blocked and driven back whence it came; or, if the receiver is aware of this and seeks to stem the tide of his desire, he frequently succeeds in surrounding himself with a wall of inhibited desire through which naught can penetrate.
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