These 2000+ pgs originally made up the database of the msnHOROSCOPES group and were available online between 2004 and 2005. In the latter year they were taken down at the request of various copywrite holders, there presence on the interweb being a blatant infringement of exisitng laws. However, given that astrology is an essentially collaborative affair in which each individual and generation builds upon the knowledge and experience of those that have come before, it seems misguided to claim absolute proprietrorial control over any given contribution to the field. In light of this, and the incredible resource the group assembled, I have made the effort to recover as much as possible of the material as has been archived. Since the archival process is automatic, the work of spiders rather than hands, the results are partial and the omissions without apparent logic- but even in this incomplete state, it remains a powerful body of data. The next step, for someone more technically literate than this complier, would be to integrate this information within extant Open Source astrology software, to produce a piratic assemblage capable of spitting out high quality charts for all. Please dessiminate with abandon and tenacity-information wants to be free. Ultimate respect to the original transcriber(s), and of course to all the astrologers whose texts are here collated-without whom none of this would exist. Buy their books, attend their seminars. Sol in Aquarius, Moon in Libra-Saturn in Virgo-Pluto in Capricorn.