Gathering CHI Power Author: Dr. Janet Price Founder: The Personal Realignment Network Gathering CHI Power Print this page and see how far you can go in completing the entire exercise. Twin Vision clients have access to Dr. Janet Price daily via phone and also receive updated versions of her highly acclaimed essays on Relationships, Synchronicity, Natural Healing and the Law of Attraction The CHI exercise now follows: Feet Together Body Relax Naturally, gently close eyelids, Entire body relax. Head, touches sky - Feet stands on earth. Body relaxes Mind Expands Mind is clear, no distracting thoughts. Think space, Think Body, entire body is harmonized with Chi Let's begin practice: Rotate palms backwards, press earth to collect Chi Push……. Pull….. Push….Pull….Push…..Pull…. Relax wrists Turn palms Lift Chi upwards to Navel level Deliver Chi to Navel Turn Palms downward - Circle hands to both sides To the Back On to Ming Men Move hands upwards deliver Chi into Dao Bow (armpit) Extend hands forward with Palms up to shoulder level and width Point to third eye Circle arms to both sides forming a straight line. Turn palms down. Then up. Raise hands upwards to above head Put hands together Lower hands in front to body to chest level in praying position Point fingers forward - Extend hands forwards at shoulder level, open hands downward, Erect palms Separate fingers to shoulder width Collect Chi Pull.. Push. 3 X Open Arms horizon Collect chi Open Close Open Close Open Close Circle arms to both sides forming a straight line, collect chi Pull push 3 x Move arms up vertically Collect Chi up down up down up down Relax wrist, turn palms lift chi upwards to above head, Pause for one cycle of breath Deliver Chi into head. Lower elbows to deliver chi into body. Hands pass in front of face, to the chest, turn palms inwards, lower hands to navel - middle finger press navel. Circle fingers around waist Press Ming Men. Move hands downward along hip, thighs, calves to ankles, circle hands around feet, Place hands on top Press down and up, down and up, down and up. Raise hands facing inter leg, raise hands along inner thigh, abdomen, to navel, Press Navel. Separate hands down to the sides. Slowly raise hands from both sides with palms down forming a straight line. Erect Palms Collect Chi Pull push Pull push Pull push Vertical up collect chi down up down up Relax wrist Turn palms slowly lift Chi upward to above head. Pause for one cycle of breath. Lower elbows deliver Chi into head. Lower to Third Eye, press third eye with middle finger Circle hands around head along eyebrows to Yu Zhen (yuton) Press Yu Zhen Direct fingers downward along the neck and spine over shoulders, reach upward along spine Lower hands to Ming Men, Press Ming Men. Circle around waist to Navel. Press Navel. Move hands downward along thighs, calves, to ankles. Press hands on top of feet. Press down up down up down up hands extract Chi from earth. Circle hands backwards to ankles raise hands along calves, thighs, hips, to Ming Men, Press Ming Men. Circle hands around waist to Navel, Press Navel. Separate hands to the side. Raise hands at 45 degrees, palms open to lift chi upward, slowly lift chi upward to above head. Pause for one cycle of breath. Lower elbows to deliver chi into head Along ears to shoulders. Palms facing forward. Push right hand forward until almost straight, relax wrist, turn palm turn to left scooping Chi at 90 degrees press turn circle hand around shoulder, press Chi Hu breathe three times naturally. Release fingers, push hand forward to form lotus palm close hands in praying position Raise hands in front of body to above head Raise hands slightly further Separate hands Turn palms forward, circle hands to both sides forming a straight line turn palms up circle arms forward to shoulder width pint to 3rd eye. Drop elbows withdrawing arms to deliver Chi into Dao Bow Stretch hand backward circle arms to both sides, slowly turn palms forward embracing Chi Collect Chi into Navel male left hand, female right hand first, place hands on navel. Calm There is Chi Pause