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Nasa UFO Tape

                (word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2)
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                                   April 2, 1993

               This file shared with KeelyNet courtesy of Tom Tatom.
                                     C U F O N
                               Computer UFO Network
                              Seattle Washington, USA

       (206) 776-0382 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit 300/1200/2400 bps.
               SYSOP - Jim Klotz  Information Director - Dale Goudie


                       UFO Reporting and Information Service
                            Voice Line - (206) 721-5035
                     P.O.Box 832, Mercer Island, WA 98040, USA

           This the first in a series of CUFON editorials: 07-JULY-1992

       The most talked-about material in UFOlogy so far this year has to be
       the "NASA Tape"  first  introduced to most of us by Mr. Don Ecker on
       the June 5, 1992 Hard Copy Show, and  again  later on the Larry King
       Show, June 26, 1992.

       In fact, this tape has completely taken over most discussions on the

       Many theories have  been  put  forward  to  explain  the  apparently
       anomalous change of  an  object's trajectory in the featured portion
       of the tape. Put simply, the explanations fall into two groups:

            (1) the event is normal and  can  be  explained conventionally,

            (2) a truly anomalous event is shown.

       Mr. Dale Goudie of the UFO Reporting and Information  Service points
       out what is  perhaps  the most important part, certainly a neglected
       part of the event, which can be seen  if  one continues to track the
       object as it apparently moves out into space.  Note  that it * AGAIN
       * changes direction,   back   towards   the  Earth  on  yet  another
       trajectory!  (This is visible on the Hard Copy segment 3 minutes, 9

                                      Page 1

       seconds after the  start of the segment on NASA tape, when Don makes
       the remark "... propulsion system not made in Detroit.")

       If the first change of direction  and  speed  are  the result of the
       shuttle's maneuvering thrusters as some have theorized,  what caused
       the SECOND change  of  trajectory?   We  believe  that  this  second
       direction change makes the "maneuvering jets" explanation untenable.

       We do not  understand  why this part  of  the  event  has  not  been
       discussed.  Mr. Dale   Goudie   mentioned  the  second   change   of
       trajectory prior to  the  Larry King Show. during the Laura Lee Show
       (a Seattle radio call-in show),  June  20,  1992,  on  which Mr. Don
       Ecker was the featured guest.

       Mr. James Oberg was positioned opposite Mr. Ecker on the Larry king
       broadcast.  Much was  made  by  all  participants   of  Mr.  Oberg's
       association with NASA,  but no mention was made of his connection to
       CSCIOP.  Mr.  Oberg is a principal member of the UFO Subcommittee of
       the Committee on  the Scientific  Investigation  of  Claims  of  the
       Paranormal.  He has been described as "(Phillip) Klass'  right  hand
       man."  His Air  Force  career  and position at NASA's Johnson Manned
       Spacecraft Center in  Houston aside,  the  close  relationship  with
       CSCIOP establishes his position re. UFO.

       Also mentioned as  being an anomalous object on a different  portion
       of the same  NASA  tape,  is  the  so  called  "domed  disk",  which
       supposedly appeared under digital  video  enhancement.  If this is a
       truly anomalous object showing structure, why has this  part  of the
       tape not been  center stage?  Perhaps speculation about 'space wars'
       is more entertaining than mere existence  of  anomalous  objects  in
       near earth space?

       We believe that  speculation  about  'interplanetary  wars'  or  SDI
       technology being brought to bear on 'aliens,' is harmful and futile.
       There is no  frame  of  reference  to  judge  the true velocities or
       object sizes in the NASA tape, much  less  any information which can
       support such speculations.   We  think  that speculation,  of  which
       there is a  great  deal  in  the  UFO  literature and press, diverts
       attention into areas which do nothing  to  advance  understanding of
       the phenomena.

       It is not wrong to speculate (or better to hypothesize and then test
       the hypothesis.)  What is wrong, is to present speculations as fact.
       The UFO literature is abounds with unverified, unprovable assertions
       accepted and promulgated  as  fact.   Many UFO books  are  primarily
       composed of previously   published  material  rehashed.   Hence  the
       speculations of others are perpetuated as "fact."

       In this case, such a rush of people  hungry  for  any  UFO event has
       produced a storm of wide-ranging discussion and controversy in which
       this tape is now mired.  It's value as documentation (or "proof", if
       you like) has been reduced to virtually nothing;  it  has  become  a

       Interested people, in these latter days of UFO popularity, rush onto
       any apparently interesting    case    en    masse.     Reports    of
       "investigators" and the  merely  interested   overrunning   supposed
       "landing sites" and   persons  brave  enough  to  report   a   close
       encounter, spark little concern or comment.  Many good cases are

                                      Page 2

       damaged in this manner.  It seems that this kind of thing happens in
       many "good" UFO  cases;  those  in  which  there is valuable factual
       information to be had.

       The tape does,   however,  remain   interesting,   and   should   be
       investigated and whatever   provable  information   which   can   be
       developed from it be carefully documented.

        Jim Klotz   - CUFON SYSOP
        Dale Goudie - CUFON Information Director

         If you  have comments or other information relating to such topics
         as  this paper covers,  please   upload to KeelyNet or send to the
           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.
              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346

                                      Page 3

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