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Examining The Earthlight Theory

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                                 November 18, 1990

                        EXAMINING THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY...
                        An investigation into a mini-flap.

                                   by Greg Long.

          By now  we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Great
       Britian coined the term in 1982 when  he  published EARTH LIGHTS. In
       that book, Devereux developed the idea that UFOs are  a byproduct of
       natural processes in the earth.

          Micheal Persinger  of  Canada  had  already  been saying the same
       thing for years in a continous outpouring  of  papers  in  which  he
       developed his Tectonic Strain Theory of UFOs.

       Vangard Notes...

            Michael Persinger is the researcher working with  pulsating and
            targeted magnetic fields in the brain.  He and his team created
            a "helmet"  using nails wrapped with many turns of wire to form
            cylindrical solenoids.  These  were  then  mounted in a sort of
            football helmet to allow them to hang over different  parts  of
            the brain.

            When connected  to  a computer as a "printer", various patterns
            can be output to magnetically stimulate the brain with specific
            and repeatable patterns.

            One of the most fascinating results  of the experiment involved
            the use of subjects with their eyes closed.   While  a  certain
            pattern was   projected   or  "printed"  to  the  solenoids,  a
            flashlight was  aimed toward  the  subject's  eyes  and  slowly
            lowered.  (a loose description follows)

            Asked to describe what they saw, EVERY SUBJECT  said  the  same

                "I see  a  UFO  coming  down, it is landing.  Now there are
                 small grey people coming  out  of it towards me.  They are
                 taking me into the ship.  Now they are doing  somekind  of
                 physical exploration.   I  am  now  being  taken  from the

            As the flashlight beam is lifted up, the subject's say that the
            UFO is now ascending and moving away.
                                      Page 1

            Dennis Stacy   investigated  Persinger's  work  in  Canada  and
            reported on it in a December  issue  of OMNI.  I believe it was

            We also  have  papers regarding other experiments  in  inducing
            feelings or  actions  in  the body using magnetic, electric and
            sonic fields.  These are being  placed  on KeelyNet as time and
            funds allow, with as much technical data as we can provide.


          Unfortunately, despite Devereux and Persinger's  passion  for the
       concept of a  UFO/earth  stress  link,  neither  researcher  has yet
       proven the case that UFOs are purely a natural phenomenon.

          Rock has been crushed in the laboratory,  eliciting extraordinary
       brief pulses of  light,  but  the result of that experiment--in  the
       words of Brian  Brady, who developed the experiment--the crushing of
       rock cannot account for "discrete" light forms seen at high altitude
       (read : spherical UFOs at high altitude).

          In fact,  Brady's experiment  even  does  away  with  the  famous
       "piezo-electric effect" as  a  source of UFOs; in  terms  of  energy
       output, piezo-electricity is simply too weak to account for anything
       more than momentary, diffuse glows of light.

       Vangard Notes...

            If you want to demonstrate this effect for yourself Wintergreen
            Life Saver  candies will generate this piezo-electric glow when
            you crunch them between your  teeth.   Turn  out  the light and
            chew one or more while watching the glow from  your  mouth in a

            As a  matter  of  fact,  when  this effect was first discovered
            about these candies, many people working in hospitals percieved
            them as a very real danger.   The  concern  was  that people in
            oxygen tents  might  chew  one  and the resultant  spark  might
            ignite and explode the oxygen in the enclosed tent.

            A scientific  study  was done on this phenomenon and the effect
            had no ignition effect whatsoever.


          More importantly, how can a mysterious,  elusive and unidentified
       physical mechanism create  STRUCTURED  objects? This  is  the  great
       failing of the  "earth-lights"  theory; it attempts to solve the UFO
       mystery by ignoring the actual content of the UFO report.

          Any unexplained  object seen in  an  earthquake-prone  region--no
       matter how artificial in appearance or "intelligent"  in its actions
       -suddenly becomes a  byproduct  of ionization, plasmas or some other
       little-understood electrical process.

          In 1981 I began an investigation  into  UFO  sightings  that  had
       occured over 20   years  in  a  single  area,  the   Yakima   Indian
       Reservation in south-central Washington state.

                                      Page 2

          In the early 1980s, the MUFON UFO Journal published several of my
       papers based on  my  preliminary  findings.  Now  the J. Allen Hynek
       Center for UFO Studies has published my complete findings as a book:

          EXAMINING THE  EARTHLIGHT THEORY  looks  microscopically  at  the
       Tectonic Strain Theory of UFOs. I use the Yakima  data  (nearly  200
       reports from a   variety   of   witnesses,   plus   numerous   color
       photographs) to test the viability  of  the  Tectonic  Strain Theory
       which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings.

          The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a fascinating, self-contained
       world of strange  reports,  which  include  a range  of  unexplained
       occurences--orange balls of   light,   CE3's,  possible  abductions,
       Bigfoot sightings, daylight objects, subterrrean sounds and more.

          Nearly every part of the Reservation  experienced  some  type  of
       unexplained event over  a 20 year period, making the  Yakima  Indian
       Reservation an excellent  "laboratory"  for  detailed examination of
       UFO phenomena.

          Earthquake faults mark the ridges  of the Reservation; it lies at
       the foot of the volcanic Cascade Range; and fire  lookouts  were  in
       place on top of three mountains to observe and record strange lights
       year after year...the  right  conditions for data collection, plenty
       of UFOs and more than enough meticulous  documentation  to  whet the
       appetite of a curious scientist in serach of an explanation.

          EXAMINING THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY takes the reader  on a historical
       journey, following the sightings to their most recent occurence. All
       data of this  unique  mini-flap  are used to thoroughly evaluate the
       basic components of  the  Tectonic   Strain  Theory.  EXAMINING  THE
       EARTHLIGHT THEORY is an experience in detective work,  where all the
       facts of the  Yakima  micrcosm  are weighed, sifted and evaluated in
       the systematic pursuit  of  a  solution   to   the  mystery  of  the

       EXAMINING THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY is available through

                     the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
                              2457 West Peterson Ave.
                                Chicago, Il. 60659.
                   this file courteously provided to KeelyNet by
                           the Darkside at 314-644-6705

         If you have comments or other information relating  to such topics
         as  this  paper covers,  please  upload to KeelyNet or send to the
           Vangard  Sciences  address  as  listed  on the  first  page.
              Thank you for your consideration, interest and support.

           Jerry W. Decker.........Ron Barker...........Chuck Henderson
                             Vangard Sciences/KeelyNet

                     If we can be of service, you may contact
                 Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346

                                      Page 3

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