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The UFO Conspiracy (Part 2)

              Word processor parameters (LM=1, RM=75, TM=2,BM=2)
                    Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
                        Sponsored by Vangard Sciences
                                 PO BOX 1031
                              Mesquite, TX 75150
                                April 30, 1990

                           courtesy of Warren York
                            Cheyenne Mountain BBS
                PHONE:  915-521-5610       Voice-Ans/Service      [1min.]
                     Appendix A:  Operation Majority

                              OPERATION MAJORITY
                                FINAL RELEASE
                             ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
                        MY EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION.

         This file  contains the  absolute true information regarding
    the alien presence on Earth and the U.S. Government's involvement
    with the aliens.
         This file contains only the information as I saw it and only
    my information.
         It does not contain any information from any other source.
         It was necessary for me to issue the information previous to
    this release in a manner which would deceive the government until
    someone was able to independently confirm my identity, my employ-
    ment, my service record, my intelligence background, the identity
    of the  person to  which I  gave the information in 1972, his ac-
    knowledgment of  the information  and when  it was  given to him,
    that the  information is  correct, that I have not seen him since
    1974, and that I have not communicated with him in any form since
         This was  necessary because this file is my death warrant if
    MJ-12 continues  to operate  in a manner consistent with its his-
         All in the last paragraph has been independently verified by
    two different  people who  have no connection with each other.  I
    will only list one for obvious reasons.
         Tony Pelham, journalist
         Las Vegas Bullet
         300 West Boston
         Las Vegas, Nevada  89102.
         The original  information that I first released was not much
    MAJI that I was not a threat long enough to have independent ver-
    ification of the facts before I risked death.  [TRANSMISSION GAR-
         I wish  to make  it absolutely  clear that I do not consider
    myself a hero.
         I believe  that most  of you  would do the same thing if you
    knew the truth.

                                    Page 1

         I gave an oath that I would uphold and protect the Constitu-
    tion of  the United  States of  America and I take that oath very
         I am doing no more now than I did when I fought in Vietnam.
         I am doing my duty.
         Please make  copies of  this file  and send  it to your con-
    gressman, your  senator,  the  attorney  general  of  the  United
    States, and the Supreme Court.
         Send it also to everyone you know.
         Attach copies of the Bill English file and John Lears file.
         Send anything  else you  may have which tends to support the
         I, Milton  William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton,
    California, 92632, 1-714-680-9537, do solemnly swear that the in-
    formation contained  in this file is true and correct to the best
    of my knowledge.
         I swear  that I  saw this information in 1972 in the perfor-
    mance of  my duties as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team
    of the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer
    in the U.S. Navy.
         I swear  that I  underwent hypnotic  regression in  order to
    make the information as accurate as possible.
         I swear  that I can and will take a lie detector test or any
    other test of any reputable person's choosing in order to confirm
    this information.
         I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic regression con-
    ducted by  any reputable  and qualified  doctor of  any reputable
    person's choosing in order to confirm this information.
         I will not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone
    who is  now or has ever been connected with the government in any
    capacity for obvious reasons.
         The following  is brief listing of everything that I person-
    ally saw  and know  from 1972 and does not contain any input from
    any other source whatsoever.
         MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the
    United States for communications concerning this information.
         OPERATION MAJORITY  is the name of the operation responsible
    for every  aspect, project,  and consequence of alien presence on
         GRUDGE contains  16 volumes  of documented  information col-
    lected from  the beginning  of the United States investigation of
    Unidentified Flying  Objects (UFOs)  and Identified  Alien Crafts
         The  project   was  financed   by  CIA   confidential  funds
    (nonappropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade.  Partic-
    ipation in  the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would
    identify and  eliminate the  weak elements  of our  society.  The
    purpose of  Project Grudge was to collect all scientific, techno-
    logical, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sight-
    ings and contacts with alien life forms.
         This orderly  file of collected information has been used to
    advance the United States Space Program.
         MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group.
         President Eisenhower  commissioned a secret society known as
    THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts,
    evidence, technology,  lies and  deception and  find the truth of
    the alien question.
         The society  was made  up of 32 of the most prominent men in
    the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12.
         MJ-12 has  total control  over everything.   They are desig-

                                    Page 2

    nated by  the codes  J-1, J-2,  etc., all  the  way  through  the
    members of the Jason Society.
         The director  of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Direc-
    tor of MJ-12.
         MJ-12 is responsible only to the President.
         MJ-12 runs most of the world's illegal drug trade.
         This was  done to hide funding and thus keep the secret from
    the Congress and the people of the United States.
         It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the
    weak elements of our society.
         The cost  of funding  the alien connected projects is higher
    than anything you can imagine.
         MJ-12 assassinated  President Kennedy  when he informed them
    that he  was going  to tell the public all the facts of the alien
         He was  killed by  the Secret Service agent driving his car,
    and it is plainly visible in the film held from public view.
         A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND
    and it was described as only accessible by air.
         It contains  full living, recreational, and other facilities
    for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY.
         It is  code named  "THE COUNTRY  CLUB."  Only those with TOP
    SECRET/MAJIC clearance are allowed to go there.
         All information,  disinformation, and  intelligence is gath-
    ered and evaluated by this agency.
         This agency  is responsible for all disinformation and oper-
    ates in  conjunction with  the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelli-
    gence Agency.
         This is a very powerful organization, and all alien projects
    are under its control.
         MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12.
         SIGMA is  the project which first established communications
    with the aliens and is still responsible for communications.
         PLATO is  the project  responsible for  diplomatic relations
    with the aliens.
         This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the Con-
    stitution) with the aliens.
         The terms were that the aliens would give us technology.
         In return,  we agreed  to keep their presence on earth a se-
    cret, not  to interfere in any way with their actions, and to al-
    low them to abduct humans and animals.
         The aliens  agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees
    on a periodic basis.
         MAJIC is  the security  classification and  clearance of all
    alien connected material, projects, and information.
         MAJIC means MAJI Controlled.
         AQUARIUS is  a project  which compiled  the history of alien
    presence and their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet
    for the  last 25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people
    who live  in the  mountainous country on the border of France and
    Spain and the Syrians.
         GARNET is  the project responsible for control of all infor-
    mation and documents regarding this subject and accountability of
    the information and documents.
         PLUTO is  a project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information per-
    taining to space tel [TRANSMISSION GARBLED]
         POUNCE is  the project  formed to recover all downed/crashed
    craft and aliens.
         REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft.

                                    Page 3

         It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada.
         It was aided when the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly
         The initial  project was somewhat successful in that we flew
    a recovered craft, but it blew up in the air, and the pilots were
         The project  was suspended  at that  time until  the  aliens
    agreed to help us.
         SNOWBIRD was  established as  a cover  for project REDLIGHT.
    Several flying  saucer type  craft were  built using conventional
         They were  unveiled to  the press  and flown in front of the
         The purpose  was to  explain accidental sightings or disclo-
    sure of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft.
         LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon.
         It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts.
         A base,  a mining  operation using  very large machines, and
    the very  large alien  craft described  in  sighting  reports  as
    MOTHER SHIPS exist there.
         NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson,
         It is  responsible for security for all alien or alien craft
    connected projects.
         DELTA is  the designation  for the  specific arm of the NRO,
    which is  especially trained  and tasked  with security  of these
         JOSHUA is  a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound
    generating weapon.
         It was  said that this weapon would be effective against the
    alien craft and beam weapons.
         EXCALIBUR is  a weapon  to  destroy  the  alien  underground
    bases.   It is to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters
    of Tuff/hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico with no
    operational damage.
         Missile apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must
    not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target.
         The device will carry a one-megaton nuclear warhead.
         ALIENS:   There were  four types  of aliens mentioned in the
    papers.   A LARGE  NOSED GREY  with whom  we have the treaty, the
    GREY reported  in abductee  cases that  works for the LARGE NOSED
    GREY, a  blond human  like type  described as  the NORDIC,  a red
    haired human like type called the ORANGE.
         The home of the aliens were described as being a star in the
    Constellation of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Riticuli 1&2.
         I cannot remember even under hypnosis which alien belongs to
    which star.
         EBE is  the name or designation given to the live alien cap-
    tured at the 1949 Roswell crash.
         He died in captivity.
         KRLL OR KRLLL OR CRLL OR CRLLL pronounced Crill or Krill was
    the hostage  left with  us at  the first  Holloman landing  as  a
    pledge that  the aliens  would carry  out their part of the basic
    agreement reached during that meeting.
         KRLL gave  us the  foundation of  the yellow  book which was
    completed by the guests at a later date.
         KRLL became sick and was nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza who became
    the expert on alien biology and medicine.  KRLL later died.
         His information  was disseminated  under the  pseudonym O.H.
    Cril or Crill.

                                    Page 4

         GUESTS were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the bal-
    ance of the yellow book.
         At the time I saw the information there were only three left
         They were called (P&#'s) Alien Life Forms.
         The aliens  claim to  have created  Homo Sapiens through hy-
         The papers said that RH-blood was proof of this.
         They further  claimed to  have created  all four major reli-
         They showed  a hologram  of the  crucifixion of Christ which
    the government filmed.
         They claim that Jesus was created by them.
         ALIEN BASES  exist in  the four  corners area  of Utah, Col-
    orado, New Mexico, and Nevada.
         Six bases  were described  in the 1972 papers, all on Indian
    reservations and  all in  the four  corners area.   The base near
    Dulce was one of them.
         The documents  stated that many military and government per-
    sonnel had  been terminated (murdered without due process of law)
    when they had attempted to reveal the secret.
         The documents stated that many craft had been recovered.
         The early  ones from  Roswell, Aztec,  Roswell again, Texas,
    Mexico, and other places.
         GENERAL DOOLITTLE  made a  prediction that  one day we would
    have to  reckon with  the aliens, and the document stated that it
    appeared that General Doolittle was correct.
         ABDUCTIONS were occurring long before 1972.
         The document  stated that  humans and animals were being ab-
    ducted and or mutilated.
         Many vanished without a trace.
         They were  taking sperm  and ova  samples, tissue, performed
    surgical operations,  implanted a  spherical device  40 to 80 mi-
    crons in  size near the optic nerve in the brain and all attempts
    to remove it resulted in the death of the patient.
         The document  estimated that one in every 40 people had been
         This implant  was said  to give  the aliens total control of
    that human.
         This plan  called for a public announcement that a terrorist
    group had entered the United States with an atomic weapon.
         It would  be announced  that the terrorists planned to deto-
    nate the weapon in a major city.
         Martial law  would be declared and all persons with implants
    would be rounded up along with all dissidents and would be placed
    into concentration camps.
         The press,  radio, and  TV would  be nationalized  and  con-
    trolled.   Anyone attempting  to  resist  would  be  arrested  or
         This plan  called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disin-
    formation ploy  to delay  and confuse  the release of information
    should anyone get close to the truth.
         It was  selected because  of the  similarity of spelling and

                                    Page 5

    the similarity to MJ-12.
         It was  designed to confuse memory and to result in a fruit-
    less search for material that does not exist.
         The source  of the  material was an Office of Naval Intelli-
    gence counter-intelligence  operation against  MJ-12 in order for
    the Navy to find out the truth of what was really going on.
         The Navy  (at that  time or  at least the Navy that I worked
    for) were not participants in any of this.
         The different  services and the government conduct this type
    of operation against each other all the time.
         The result  of this  operation was  that the  Navy cut them-
    selves in  for a  piece of the action (technology) and control of
    some projects.
         As you  can see this file is only a little different from my
    previous file.
         Only some  names were  scrambled previously  to confuse  the
    government long  enough for  someone to  verify that  what I have
    said is the truth.
         I have  added information in this file that puts me in abso-
    lute danger.
         I have sent a copy of this file to people all over the coun-
    try and will continue to do so.
         Please get this file into as many hands as you can and maybe
    that will protect me but I doubt it.
         I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reach-
    ing this point and for their patience and understanding.
         I owe you all more than I can ever repay.
         Finally, it does not matter who is right and who is wrong or
    if a project name is in the wrong place.
         It does not matter who is working for whom or what is really
         It should be obvious by now that something sinister and ter-
    ribly wrong is going on involving the government and the UFO phe-
         We must all band together and expose it now.
         I have done my part in the best manner that I could.
         I can  add nothing else except my testimony in Congress or a
    court of  law that  what I  saw and  have written in this file is
    true and that I saw it.
         Everything in  my previous  file that does not conflict with
    this file  is true  and correct  to the  best of my knowledge and
    some of it is from sources and research.
         You may combine the files to get the entire picture.
         Throw out  only that  information that  conflicts with  that
    contained in this file.
         There will  be no  further additions  or corrections to this
    information either now or in the future.
         My file is complete and stands to be judged by history.
         Sometime in the future the exact papers that I saw will sur-
    face, and  you will  all see  this  exact  information  contained
    within them.
         Milton William Cooper
         Jan. 10, 1989

                                    Page 6

                    Appendix B:  For More Information

    Cooper's home address and phone number:

    1311 S. Highland #205
    Fullerton, Calif.  92632

    That phone number connects you to an anonymous answering machine.

    This information  was taken  from the  Bill Cooper answering com-
    puter on 1-213-281-8222.

    For materials  and bibliography,  send $2  (no mention made of to
    whom you  should make out the check) and a 45-cent self-addressed
    stamped envelope to:

    19744 Beach Blvd. Suite #301
    Huntington Beach, Calif.  92648

    To talk  to someone  about ordering  or available materials, call
    Stan Barrington  at 1-805-948-1255.   He'll  even call  you back.
    Here's what he had to offer as per my phone conversation with him
    on Feb. 27, 1990:

    The real  Kennedy assassination  tape, $18.  This is the unedited
        Zapruder film  that clearly shows the driver killing JFK.  On
        VHS tape.
    Video of  Cooper speech  and workshop  from Sedona,  Ariz.,  $32.
        This is  a videotaped  speech and  workshop from  Cooper that
        also shows  the Kennedy  tape (not  very clearly, though).  I
        think this  is basically  the same  deal as  the above  tran-
        script.  On VHS tape.
    "Secret Government,"  $12.  Details, in 28 pages, the workings of
        the secret subgovernment in the U.S. since 1947.
    "Operation Majority,"  $12.   Details the goings on and structure
        of Operation Majority, the people who run all UFO-related ac-
    "Jason Society,"  $12.   List of  51 scientists,  last updated in
        1987, who  work for  Operation Majority.   The group is still
        trying to  find the last three scientists who are Jason Soci-
        ety members.

    For any of the above, send a check to:

    Stan Barrington
    2059 E. Ave. I #11
    Lancaster, Calif.  93535

    Barrington says  that the target date for one-world government is

    To invite  Cooper to  speak or  be on  TV, call Jeff Patterson or
    Scott Reid at 1-213-657-8004.

    Cooper's manager is Michael Callan, at 1-213-550-8368.

    Cooper was  in Atlanta  on Feb.  25.  For  information  call  Sam
    Matthews at 1-404-435-4233.

                                    Page 7

    This is  the journalist whom Cooper mentions in his Operation Ma-
    jority file.  This person supposedly can verify the facts:

    Tony Pelham
    Las Vegas Bullet
    300 West Boston
    Las Vegas, Nevada  89102

    For the book Alien Magic by William Hamilton, which has all kinds
    of pictures from  a  secret  lab,  write:  Book  is  $20.  plus $1.25

    Robert Girard
    c/o Arcturus Books
    P.O. Box 831383
    Stone Mountain, Ga.  30083-0023

                          Appendix C:  Musings

         There is  some thought  that the U.S. Air Force, in conjunc-
    tion with  the Canadians,  has standing  orders to  deny any  UFO
    sightings to the public.
         Timothy  Good,   in  his  book  Above  Top  Secret,  states:
    "Cooperation between  the United States and Canada in the report-
    ing of  UFOs was  laid down,  for example, in the Canadian-United
    States Communications  Instructions for  Reporting Vital Intelli-
    gence Sightings  (CIRVIS) JANAP  146 (E), issued in March 1966 by
    the Joint  Chiefs of Staff as well as the Canadian Defense Staff.
    This  publication   lists  instructions   for  the  reporting  of
    'information of  vital importance  to the  security of the United
    States of America and Canada and their forces, which in the opin-
    ion of the observer, requires very urgent defensive and/or inves-
    tigative action by the U.S. and/or Canadian armed forces.' Sight-
    ings within  the scope  of JANAP 146 include 'Unidentified Flying
    Objects' as  distinct from  'Hostile of  unidentified single air-
    craft or formations of aircraft,' and there are lengthy and elab-
    orate instructions for reporting UFOs" (Good, 192).
         And later he states:  "Because of reports like these [UFOs],
    airline pilots  became subject to military restrictions contained
    in a  Joint Army-Navy-Air  Force Publication (JANAP), drawn up by
    the Joint  Communications-Electronics Committee,  and promulgated
    by the  Joint Chiefs of Staff, and could thus find themselves li-
    able to  a prison term of up to 10 years and/or a fine of $10,000
    if they  discussed their  sightings with  the  media  or  public"
    (Good, 283).

                                  * * *

         Stan Barrington offers a document about "Operation Majority,
    which concerns  the dealings of MJ-12.  The following discussion,
    taken from  the alt.conspiracy  section of Usenet, focuses on the
    validity of those documents:
         "What  is   the  latest   status  of   the  MJ-12  documents
    (concerning authenticity)?   I  know that Klass did his usual de-
    bunking job,  but also  read that  Friedman produced all the sup-
    porting evidence  Klass had demanded (similar typefaces in use on
    other documents  of the same era, etc.).  Has the U.S. Government

                                    Page 8

    taken a  formal position on the MJ-12  documents?  What evidence,
    pro and  con, has  been produced  on the authenticity issue since
    their release.  What are the details of the release?  Any and all
    information will be appreciated.  Thanks."
         The reply  was:   "I don't  know about the U.S. Government's
    position, but  Klass has  done a  pretty good job of showing that
    there is  at least  some fraud  in the papers.  In particular, he
    has shown  that the  supposed signature of Harry Truman on one of
    the critical  papers is  identical to  the signature  on  another
    document in  the National Archives, except that it's (if I recall
    correctly)  3.6  percent  larger.    It  is  impossible  for  two
    signatures to  be identical  unless one is a photographic copy of
    the other,  and interestingly,  most copying  machines do  a very
    small expansion  of what  they copy  to prevent  edge  effects--a
    blow-up of exactly 1.2 percent.  So it would appear this supposed
    signature is  actually a  third-generation photocopy  of Truman's
    signature.   Handwriting experts  have confirmed this.  I believe
    it's written  up in the current (Spring 1990) Skeptical Inquirer,
    but I can't find my copy at the moment so I can't say for sure."
         I don't  know who  Klass or Friedman are, (although Friedman
    may be the same person that was mentioned as a helper in Majestic
    by Whitley  Strieber, and also mentioned as a government official
    in the speech) but the Skeptical Inquirer is a respected paranor-
    mal debunking newspaper put out by James "the Amazing" Randi.
         It also seems to me that the idea that Truman's signature is
    a photocopy of another one in the National Archives is a bit odd.
    There must  be thousands of Truman signature in the Archives, and
    thinking that  someone could  find the one that exactly matched a
    3.6 percent  enlargement is laughable (but then again, those same
    people find the idea of a huge UFO cover-up laughable).

                                  * * *

         Whitley Strieber  is a  strange character  in this whole af-
    fair.   He is  the writer  of Wolfen  and The Howling, two horror
    novels.  Lately, he turned to writing about UFOs.
         His first  book on  the subject,  Communion, deals  with his
    personal experiences  with abduction  by an  unknown intelligence
    (Strieber always tries to avoid the word "alien," so he can leave
    the options open that these are humans that are traveling through
    time or  even an unknown earthly intelligence).  His second book,
    Transformation, is  not as  familiar to me, but I have heard that
    it is more of the same as Communion, except that it is less well-
    supported and  deals with  a sort  of religion  of  the  unknown.
    Strieber contends  in that  book that  the "others"  (as he calls
    them) gave  him a  sketchy design  for an anti-gravity motor that
    relies on rotating magnets.
         His third  book is Majestic.  Milton William Cooper mentions
    it in his speech.  This book follows the Cooper speech closely in
    many regards;  in fact,  sometimes it  seems like one is stealing
    from the  other because  they are so close.  Strieber writes this
    book as  fiction, but  at the  end there is a section in which he
    says that  the book  is based on truth and that the government is
    hiding information  from the  public.  He insists that this truth
    must be brought out.  However, Cooper says that Strieber is work-
    ing for  the government.  He offers some proof to this claim, but
    he doesn't  really say  why the government would hire Strieber to
    write Majestic, or whether he was hired before he wrote C mmunion
    and Transformation.   All Cooper says is that Strieber is testing
    the waters,  leaking the information in a way that the government

                                    Page 9

    could deny.
         I think  that if  Strieber works for the government, then it
    is mostly  likely because  the government thinks that people will
    not believe  anything he  writes about UFOs, given his history of
    writing horror.   Thus,  the government  has Strieber write some-
    thing that  is based  on truth,  and everyone thinks it is coming
    from such a bad source that it must be false.

                                  * * *

         This from Keith Rowell in Oregon:
         "You folks  interested in Strieber's claims should check out
    the book Report on Communion (Morrow, 1989) by Ed Conroy.
         "Conroy is  a San Antonio-based freelance reporter who wrote
    some early articles for the local newspaper and then continued to
    explore and  investigate till  he ended up with a book.  He basi-
    cally concludes  that Strieber's claims are true as far as we now
    understand the UFO phenomenon, which is very far from adequate at
    this time.   (The  scholarly and scientific establishment has yet
    to honestly  and openly embrace the problem of the UFO.  Conroy's
    book is  opening the  way for  the  investigative  media  people,
    though.   Things are changing as the UFO issue just refuses to go
    away.)   You will all hear more and more about the reality status
    of UFOs  as we  go through the 1990s.  Intelligence establishment
    secrecy is  being slowly broken down and the scientific/scholarly
    community is  slowly putting  up less  resistance as the years go
         "My opinions are based on 15 years of reading the UFO liter-
    ature and  four years  or so of more or less active participation
    in the  UFO community.  It is very hard to understand what is go-
    ing on  in the  UFO community without paying very close attention
    to it.   The  normal sources  of news  and information cover this
    group of  people in  a very  inconsistent and sometimes downright
    biased way.   You're  just going  to have to get your feet wet on
    this one; otherwise, you'll just being talking through your hat.
         "I'll be happy to send via electronic mail my representative
    UFO bibliography  to anyone  who wants it.  Lately, new (and sig-
    nificant) UFO books are added practically monthly in the past few
    years.   UFOs are hot again.  We seem to be in a peak of activity
         "The latest  significant book  is by Ed Walters on his Gulf-
    breeze UFO/photograph  experiences, being distributed to your lo-
    cal bookstores as I write this."

                                   Page 10

Next: The Message of Cydonia